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colonoscopy lower endoscopy Toowoomba

Colonoscopy Toowoomba

Downs Endoscopy Doctors

Gastroscopy Toowoomba
Colonoscopy (Lower Endoscopy)
Colonoscopies are procedures which allow for examination of the of the large bowel. The procedure is performed under a sedation anaesthetic and involves the insertion of an endoscope (a thin, flexible tube with its own inbuilt video camera and light source), into the anus.
Colonoscopies are performed to examine the interior of the large bowel for various conditions including inflammation, flat polyps (benign, wart like growths) and bowel cancer. Various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures may be performed during the colonoscopy; these include the biopsy of tissue to investigate possible malignancy and the removal of polyps. As colon cancer arises from pre-existing polyps, any polyps that are found are removed at the time of examination. Most polyps can be burnt off by placing a wire snare around the base and applying an electric current.
All of our specialist Doctors are Conjoint Committee for Recognition in Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (CCRTGE) recognised for colonoscopy procedures. Additionally, they participate in the Gastroenterological Society of Australia’s (GESA) Colonoscopy Recertification program, as required by the federal ACSQHC Colonoscopy Clinical Care Standards, to ensure they continue to provide high-quality care for our patients and engage in up-to-date best practise.
For legal reasons you must not drive a vehicle or operate machinery until the day after your procedure, but preferably not for 24 hours following your sedation anaesthetic. Driving under the influence of sedation carries the same implications as with alcohol. You must have a responsible adult to collect you from day surgery, drive you home and care for you for 12 hours post procedure.
Call 4639 2748 to book an appointment.
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